Research & Databases

For all of Onondaga County Public Library’s database resources, click here! 

BookBrowse – A book lovers resource guide to exceptional books, providing you with all you need to know about the books that matter. 

The best database for Book Lover's to find the best books
Click for the Library Patron login by searching Fairmount Community Library

BookBrowse doesn’t sell books, but is an independent source of information that enables book lovers to find the BEST books, without profit/marketing influence.

This book-lovers resource includes:

  • Generous online excerpts
  • Multiple reviews in one place 
  • Thoughtful Read-alike recommendations
  • Browsing by genre, time period, setting and theme
  • Extensive resources for book clubs

Linkedin Learning with Lynda – Personalized learning to help you grow professionally

LinkedIn and Lynda have combined to provide personalized and professional learning
Click here to enter our Library ID: onondagacounty. Then sign in with your Library Card

LinkedIn Learning combines all of’s high-quality courses with insights from LinkedIn data, to provide you with personalized course recommendations based on your current job, skills, and what professionals like you are learning.

  1. Before using the app, set up your account online by clicking the LinkedIn Learning link on our website
  2. Download the free LinkedIn Learning app
    iOS: App Store  and on Android: Google Play
  3. When you open the app, choose “Sign In”, even if you have never used or LinkedIn Learning.
  4. Leave the email box blank and click on blue text “Sign in with your library card”.
  5. Enter our Library ID, “onondagacounty” to the end of the address.
  6. Follow prompts for email, library card number and PIN

Newsbank – the best place to do news research!

Providing easy access to the world's largest repository of reliable information through Fairmount Community Library Card
Login with your Library ID and Pin

Newsbank online resources provide researchers of every kind with valuable information on any topic imaginable.  Here are five reasons why Newsbank is awesome, and has been for over 40 years! 

  • Credibility: NewsBank provides only information from trusted sources, ensuring credible and focused search results.
  • Depth/Breadth: Deep back files deliver more local, national and international information than any news resource on the planet.
  • Uniqueness: The majority of NewsBank’s information sources are unavailable elsewhere, providing unmatched opportunities for discovery.
  • Diversity: Over 12,000 searchable titles span a wide array of source types, from newspapers to blogs to newswires to videos and more.
  • Versatility: NewsBank is relied on every day by the widest range of users—from students to job seekers to genealogists to teachers at every level.

Newspaper Archive – A searchable archive of digital images and full text from newspapers, including Syracuse newspapers from 1857

  • Exclusive content
  • 3+ Billion articles and growing
  • 1003+ years of papers from 1607 to today!
  • All 53 U.S.States + 46 Other Countries
  • Historical events as they happened
  • Research your people & genealogy
  • Powerful time-saving search tools
  • View, save, print and share it all
  • Includes Syracuse newspapers from 1857

Monday – Thursday: 11am – 7pm
Friday: 11am – 5pm
Saturday: 11am – 2pm

Call 315-487-8933

Text 315-382-8988

406 Chapel Drive
Syracuse, NY 13219

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